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October 27, 2011

Pengkajian Neurologi

Pengkajian Neurologi

Pengkajian Neurologik :
-Status Mental
-Fungsi saraf cranial
-Bahasa dan bicara
-Tanda-tanda meningeal
-Status Sensorik
-Status Motorik

Pengkajian Lengkap
1. Riwayat Kesehatan
2. Manifestasi klinik :
    - Nyeri
    - Kejang
        - Sakit Kepala
        - Gangguan Pengelihatan
     - Kelemahan
    - Sensasi Abnormal

Pemeriksaan Fisik Neurologi : 5 komponen utama :
-Fungsi serebral,
-Saraf Kranial,
-Sistem Motorik,
-Sistem Sensorik,

Fungsi Serebral :
- Status Mental
- Fungsi Intelektual
- Isi Pikiran
- Status Emosi
- Persepsi
- Kemampuan motor
- Kemampuan Bahasa
- Pengaruh thd gaya hidup

Status Mental
- Tingkat kesadaran
- Orientasi
- Mood and behavior
- Pengetahuan
- Vocabulary
- Memory

- Tahu ini hari apa, tahun berapa, siapa nama presiden?
- Kesadaran laki-laki atau wanita?
- Sadar siapa pemeriksa, dan kenapa pasien berada di ruangan?
- Apakah kapasitas memori pendek (immediate memory) intact?

Fungsi Intelektual
- Seseorang dengan IQ rat-rata dapat mengulang 7 digit tanpa salah dan dapat  menghitung ke belakang 5 digit
- Mita pasien menghitung kebelakang dari 100 atau  mengurangi 7 dari 100, lalu 7 dari itu dst (called serial 7s) 
- Fungsi intelekturl lebih tinggi : misal apakah pasien tahu arti : “ burung menangkap cacing, seperti apa tikus dan anjing,

pensil dan pen. Apakah pasien dapat membuat penyimpulan tentang situasi-situasi yang dhhadirkan.

Isi Pikiran
•Apakah thoughts spontaneous, natural, clear, relevant, and coherent?
•pakah pasien punya  fixed ideas, ilusi, preokupasi (keasyikan)? Apa pandangan pasien terhadap pikiran itu?
•Preoccupation with death or morbid events, hallucinations, and paranoid ideation are examples of unusual thoughts or

perceptions that require further evaluation.

Status Emosi
•Apakah Afek (manifestasi eksternal dari mood) pasien alamiah, iritable dan marah, cemas, apatis atau datar, atau eforia?
•Apakah fluktuasi mood normal, atau tiba-tiba sedih – gembira?
•Apakah afek tepat sesuai kata-kata dan isi pikiran?
•Apakah komunikasi verbal konsisten denan nonverbalnya?

•Agnosia  = Adalah tidak mampu menginterpretasikan atau memberi perimbangan kepada obyek yang terlihat melalui inderanya.

Contoh melihat pensil tetapi tidak tahu apa itu dan untuk apa. Dapat mendeskripsikan tetapi tidak bisa menginterpretasikan

•auditory or tactile agnosia as well as visual agnosia.
•Pasien dihadirkan obyek yang familiar dan minta mengidentifikasikan namanya.
Kemampuan motor
•cortical motor integration --> minta pasien menampilkan ketrampilan (throw a ball, move a chair).

Kemampuan Bahasa
•Apakah pasien menjawab pertanyaan dengan tepat?
•Dapatkah ia membaca kalimat dari surat kabar, dan menjelaskan artinya?
•Dapatkah pasien menulis namanya sendiri, apat membuat sama persis sesuatu bentuk yang dibuat oleh examiner ?
A deficiency in language function --> aphasia.

Pengaruh terhadap gaya hidup
•Identifikasi adanya isu-isu untuk pertimbangkan apakah ada keterbatasan peran di keluarga atau komunitas.
•Rencana perawat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan itu dan untuk mendukung adaptasi terhadap gangguan peran.

Tingkat Kesadaran
Tanda awal peningkatan tekanan intrakranial :
•Restlessness, disorientasi, letargy
•Sakit kepala
•Hemiparese kontralateral
•Tanda vital relativ stabil
•Pupil dilatasi ipsilateral
•Blurring of vission, penurunan ketajaman pandang, diplopia
•Muntah biasanya tidak terjadi
•Temperatur normal

Status Sensori

Motor Status :
•Gait and stance
•Muscle strength
•Muscle tone
•Involuntary movements
•Muscle stretch reflexes

Saraf Cranial
I.  Olfactory – fungsi penciuman – Identifikasi bau
II. Optic     - Sensorik -> vision    -> test ketajaman visual, inspeksi fundi, lapang pandang

III. Oculomotor – kontraksi pupil, gerakan kelopak mata atas, gerakan ekstra okuler --> test refleks pupil
IV. Trochlear – Motorik gerakan bola mata ke bawah / kedalam--> test gerkan bola mata.
V. Trigeminal – Motorik (gerakan rahang) sensorik (sensasi fascial)--> test gerakan rahang, sensasi wajah.
VI. Abduscens- Motorik (gerakan lateral mata)

VII. Facial – Motorik (otot wajah) sensorik (lidah 2/3 bagian depan)--> test gerakan wajah, identifikasi rasa.
VIII. Acoustic – Hearing (bagian chochlear) Balance (bagian vestibular)--> test bisikan, caloric test

IX Glossopharyngeal – Sensori (pharyng, posterior tongue, with taste Motorik (pharynx) Sensori (pharyx & larynx)--> test

identifikasi rasa
X Vagus –Motor (palatum, pharynx, larynx)--> test refleks muntah, gerakan uvula, gerakan soft palate, parau suara
XI Spinal accessory –Motor(sternocleidomastoid, bagian atas trapezius--> test gerakan bahu dan leher
XII. Hypoglosal –Motor(lidah)-> test gerakan lidah

Fungsi Motorik dan Refleks-Refleks

Lower Motor Neuron
•Terdiri atas sejumlah besar anterior horn cells di daerah abu-abu di spinal cord. Juga ditemukan di nukleus motor cranial di

batang otak.
•Mempengaruhi aktivitas otot skelet (voluntary dan refleks)
•Bila terdapat lesi akan mengakibatkan :
-Flacid otot, kelamahan, atau paralisis
-Kehilangan aktivitas refleks
-Kehilangan tonus otot

Upper Motor Neuron
•Berasal dari strip motor korteks serebri dan dalam nukleus multiple batang otak.
•Axon melintas melalui batang otak, decusatio di medula, ke bawah melalui tractus corticospinal tract.
•Gabungan kerja LMN dan UMN adalah gerakan otot yang baik, lembut, terarah.
•Saat terjadi lessi di UMN misal pada CVA, maka akan mengakibatkan hemiplegia.
•Tanda upper motor neuron :
-Paresis atau paralisis tonus otot dan spastisitas
-Late atropi from use
-Increasd muscle tone

Pada mulanya flaccid (hipotonic) dan hiporeflexic, secara bertahap refleks akan meningkat.

Pemeriksaan Fungsi Cerebellar & Sensori

1.Test light touch sensation
•Gesek kulit dengan katun, sikat lembut, atau ujung jari
•Tanyakan adanya sensasi dan lokasinya.

2. Test Nyeri Superfisial Dan Membedakan Tajam / Tumpul Nyeri
•Secara berurutan lakukan penyentuhan dengan jarum tajam dan tumpul
•Gunakan minimal tekanan
•Berhenti beberapa saat untuk memberi kesempatan klien merasakan

3. Test Sensasi Nyeri Dalam
•Renggut tendon seperti misalnya achiles atau bicep dengan jari dan tekan untuk membuat nyeri
•Jika pasien coma, lakukan dengan tekanan pada kuku jari  (nail bed)
•Normal : pasien meringis, atau deserebrasi / dekortikasi pada pasien coma

4. Test Temperatur
•Isi tabung reaksi dengan air hangat dan dingin berurutan
•Minta klien menyebutkan hangat atau dingin

5. Test Vibrasi Sensation
•Getarkan garpu tala, letakkan dasarnya pada tonjolan tulang misal : clavicle, sternum, sendi jari, dsb.
•Letakkan jari anda di bawah sendi
•Minta klien menyebutkan awal dan akhir getaran.

6. Test Posisi Sendi
•Mulai sendi paling distal
•Raih sendi misal sendi jari, gerakkan ke atas dan ke bawah
•Minta pasien menyebutkan yang dirasakan : ke atas atau ke bawah

7. Evaluasi Asosiasi Sensory
•Stereognosis= letakkan obyek yang dikenal di tangang pasien, minta klien menyebutkan
•Topognosia = sentuh salah satu jari, minta klien menyebutkan jari mana yang disentuh
•Graphognosia = jejakkan angka atau huruf di telapak tangan

Cek Membedakan 2 Titik
•Tekankan 2 jarum atau calipers ke kulit pasien. Minta menyebutan 1 atau 2 sentuhan yang dirasakan
•Normal jarak yang dirasa : ujung jari = 2,8-5mm telapak = 8 – 12 mm, dorsal hand = 20 -30 mm, dada / lengan bawah = 40 mm,

punggung = 40 – 70 m, lengan atas / paha = 75mm, tulang kering =30 – 40 mm

Evaluasi fungsi cerebellar
•Test finger to nose dengan mata tertutup. Atau minta klien menyentuh dengan telunjuk, jari telunjuk anda
•Hand movement = minta klien dengan cepat membalik telapak tangan

Romberg Test.
•Minta klien berdiri dengan kaki rapat. Pertama saat mata terbuka, catat goyangan badan dan kesulitan mempertahankan balance.

Lalu minta klien menutup mata.

Kekuatan Otot (O’Hanlon-Nichols, 1999).
5 --> full power of contractionagainst gravity and resistance or normal muscle strength;
4 --> fair but not full strength against gravity and a moderate amount of resistance or slight weakness;
3 --> just sufficient strength to overcome the force of gravity or moderate weakness;
2 --> the ability to move but not to overcome the force of gravity or severe weakness;
1 --> minimal contractile power—weak muscle contraction can be palpated but no movement is noted—or very severe weakness; and
0 --> complete paralysis.


October 23, 2011

Askep Stroke

Askep Pasien dengan Stroke

2 Pembagian Utama Stroke :
1. Ischemic (85%), : vascular occlusion & significant hypoperfusion,
2. hemorrhagic (15%), adanya extravasation of blood into the brain (American Heart

Association, 2000).

Penyebab Stroke
•Ischemic strokes karena :
    1. large artery thrombosis (20%),
    2. small penetrating artery thrombosis (25%),
    3. cardiogenic embolic stroke 20%),
    4. cryptogenic (30%) and
    5. other (5%)

•Stroke perdarahan karena :
    1. Intracerebral hemorrhage
    2. Subarachnoid hemorrhage
    3. Cerebral aneurysm
    4. Arteriovenous malformation

Stroke Infark

Patofisiologi Stroke infark
•Turunnya aliran darah otak <25 mL/100 g/min -> pernafasan anaerob -> mitokondria

menghasilkan asam laktat --> perubahan pH, penurunan ATP --> gangguan pertukaran ion membran -->

penurunan fungsi sel.

•--> peningkatan permeabilitas membran terhadap kalsium --> kalsium masuk ke dalam sel &

pembentukan glutamat --> menyebabkan kerusakan cell membrane, diproduksi lebih banyak calcium
dan glutamate, vasoconstriction, and the terciptanya radikal bebas. -> perluasan area 

•Daerah awal infark tersebut disebut dengan penumbra
•Calsium canel blocker dapat menghambat influks Ca ke dalam sel.

Manifestasi Klinik Stroke Iskemik :

Tanda dan Gejala
-Rasa tebal atau kelemahan pada wajah, tangan, kaki, khususnya satu sisi
-Kebingungan atau perubahan status mental
-Gangguan bicara atau memahami pembicaraan
-Gangguan Pengelihatan
-Kesulitan berjalan, kepeningan, atau kehilangan koordinasi keseimbangan
-Sakit kepala tiba-tiba
-Gangguan lapang pandang

Gangguan Pengelihatan perifer
Manifestasi :
- Sulit melihat pada malam hari
- Tidak menyadari obyek atau tepi obyek
Tindakan :
-Letakkan obyek pada pusat lapang pandang klien
-Dukung pasien dengan penggunaan tongkat atau obyek lain untuk mengidentifikasinya dalam lapang pandang perifer mereka.
- Kemampuan mengemudi perlu dievaluasi

Manifestasi : pandangan double

Tindakan :

- Jelaskan kepada pasien lokasi obyek saat meletakkannya dekat pasien
- Letakkan dengan konsisten alat-alat perawatan pada tempat yang sama.

Motor Deficits
•Manifestasinya : Weakness of the face, arm, and leg on the same side (due to a lesion in the opposite hemisphere)
Tindakan :
•Letakkan obyek dalam jangkauan pasien pada sisi yang
Instruksikan untuk melatih kekuatan pada sisi yang sehat.

Waspada : pada masa akut --> dapat terjadi infark kembali

Hemiplegia :
•Paralysis of the face, arm, and leg on the same side (due to a lesion in the oppositehemisphere)
Tindakan :
•range-of-motion exercises to the affected side.
•immobilization as needed to the affected side.
•Maintain body alignment in functional position.
•Exercise unaffected limb(angota badan)  to increase mobility, strength, and use.

•Staggering(kejutan) , unsteady(goyah) gait
•Unable to keep feet together; needs a broad base to stand
Tindakan :
•Support patient during the initial ambulation phase.
•Provide supportive device for ambulation (walker, cane).
•Instruct the patient not to walk without assistance or supportive device.

Gejala Lain
•Verbal Deficits
•Coqnitive Deficits
•Emotional Deficits

•Kehilangan respon motorik
•Gangguan persepsi
•Gangguan sensorik
•Gangguan coqnitive & Efek Psichologic

•Screening faktor risiko
•Nonmodifiable risk factors : umur, gender, race.
•Modifiable risk factor : hipertensi, atrial fibrillasi, hiperlipidemia, obesitas, merokok,diabetes.

Pengkajian pada fase akut
• Change in the level of consciousness or responsiveness as evidenced by movement, resistance to changes of position, and response to stimulation; orientation to time, place,and person
• Presence or absence of voluntary or involuntary movements of the extremities; muscle tone; body posture; and position of the head
• Stiffness or flaccidity of the neck
• Eye opening, comparative size of pupils and pupillary reactions to light, and ocular position
• Color of the face and extremities; temperature and moisture of the skin
• Quality and rates of pulse and respiration; arterial blood gas values as indicated, body temperature, and arterial pressure
• Ability to speak
• Volume of fluids ingested or administered; volume of urine excreted each 24 hours
• Presence of bleeding
• Maintenance of blood pressure within the desired parameters

Setelah fase akut
•assesses mental status (memory,attention span, perception, orientation, affect, speech/language),
•sensation/perception (usually the patient has decreased awarenessof pain and temperature),
•motor control (upper and lowerextremity movement), swallowing ability, nutritional and hydration status, skin integrity, activity tolerance, and bowel and bladderfunction.
•Pengkajian selanjutnya fokus pada : any impairment of function in the patient’s daily activities

Diagnosa Keperawatan
• Impaired physical mobility related to hemiparesis, loss of balance and coordination, spasticity, and brain injury
• Acute pain (painful shoulder) related to hemiplegia and disuse
• Self-care de.cits (hygiene, toileting, grooming, and feeding) related to stroke sequelae
• Disturbed sensory perception related to altered sensory reception, transmission, and/or integration
• Impaired swallowing
• Incontinence related to .accid bladder, detrusor instability, confusion, or dif.culty in communicating
• Disturbed thought processes related to brain damage, confusion, or inability to follow instructions
• Impaired verbal communication related to brain damage
• Risk for impaired skin integrity related to hemiparesis/ hemiplegia, or decreased mobility
• Interrupted family processes related to catastrophic illness and caregiving burdens
• Sexual dysfunction related to neurologic de.cits or fear of failure

Potensial Komplikasi
• Decreased cerebral blood .ow due to increased ICP
• Inadequate oxygen delivery to the brain
• Pneumonia


•the strong flexor muscles exert control over the extensors. --> The arm tends to adduct (adductor muscles are stronger than abductors) and to rotate internally.
•The elbow and the wrist tend to flex, the affected leg tends to rotate externally at the hip joint and flex at the knee, and the foot at the ankle joint supinates and tends toward plantar flexion.
•Lakukan tindakan untuk mengurangi tekanan, bantu mempertahankan good body alignment,
•Karena flexor muscles lebih kuat dari extensor muscles, a posterior splint applied at night to the affected extremity --> prevent flexion and maintain correct positioning during sleep.

Preventing Shoulder Adduction
•a pillow is placed in the axilla when there is limited external rotation; this keeps the arm away from the chest.
•A pillow is placed under the arm, and the arm is placed in a neutral (slightly flexed) position, with distal joints positioned higher than the more proximal joints.
•the elbow is positoned higher than the shoulder and the wrist higher than the elbow. This helps to prevent edema and the resultant joint fibrosis that will limit range of motion if the patient regains control of the arm

Positioning the Hand and Fingers

•The fingers are positioned --> barely flexed.
•The hand --> slight supination (palm faces upward), --> functional position.
•If the upper extremity is flaccid, a volar resting splint can be used to support the wrist and hand in a functional position.
•If the upper extremity is spastic, a hand roll is not used, because it stimulates the grasp reflex. a dor-sal wrist splint is useful in allowing the palm to be free of pressure.
•Every effort is made to prevent hand edema.

Changing Positions
•should be changed every 2 hours.
•A pillow is placed between the legs before the patient is turned.
•To promote venous return and prevent edema, the upper thigh should not be acutely flexed.
•The amount of time spent on the affected side should be limited if sensation is impaired.
•If possible, the patient is placed in a prone position for 15 to 30 minutes several times a day. A small pillow or a support is placed under the pelvis, extending from the level of the umbilicus to the upper third of the thigh.     This helps to promote hyperextension of the hip joints, which is essential for normal gait and helps prevent knee and hip flexion contractures.

•The prone position also helps to drain bronchial secretions and prevents contractural deformities of the shoulders and knees.

Establishing an Exercise Program

•The affected extremities are exercised passively and put through a full range of motion four or five times a day
•Guna latihan :
    - meningkatkan mobilitas
    - mencegah kontraktur
    - meningkatkan sirkulasi
    - mendapatkan kembali kontrol motorik
    - mencegah venostasis dan trombosis

•Pada awalnya ekstremitas flasid --> lebih sering dilakukan mobilitas
•Hati-hati tanda emboli atau kelebihan kerja jantung saat aktifitas meliputi : shortness of breath, chest pain, cyanosis,and increasing pulse rate with exercise.

Preparing for Ambulation
•Segera mulai saat pasien sadar“ pada stroke bleeding tidak bisa dilakukan sampai perdarahan hilang”
•mencapai duduk seimbang --> kursi roda --> mencapai berdiri seimbang --> latihan jalan.
•Waktu ambulasi sebaiknya pendek namun sering

•70% pasien mengalami
•3 masalah terjadi : painful shoulder, subluxation of the shoulder, and shoulder–hand syndrome.
•A flaccid shoulder joint may be overstretched by the use of excessive force in turning the patient or from overstrenuous arm and shoulder movement.
•To prevent shoulder pain,  never lift the patient by the flaccid shoulder or pull on the affected arm or shoulder. If the arm is paralyzed, subluxation (incomplete dislocation) at the shoulder can occur from overstretching the joint capsule and musculature by the force of gravity when the patient sits or stands in the early stages after a stroke.

•The first step on the unaffected side. Such activities as combing the hair, brushing the teeth, shaving with an electric razor, bathing,and eating can be carried out with one hand and are suitable for self-care.
•The nurse must be sure that the patient does not neglect the affected side.

Managing sensory-perceptual difficulties
•Patients with a decreased field of vision should be approached on the side where visual perception is intact. All visual stimuli (clock,calendar, and television) should be placed on this side.
•The patient can be taught to turn the head in the direction of the defective visual field to compensate for this loss.
•The nurse should make eye contact with the patient and draw his or her attention to the affected side by encouraging the patient to move the head.
•The nurse may also want to stand at a position that encourages the patient to move or turn to visualize who is in the room.
•Increasing the natural or artificial lighting in the room and providing eyeglasses are important in increasing vision.
•The patient with homonymous hemianopsia (loss of half of the visual fiield) turns away from the affected side of the body and tends to neglect that side and the space on that side; this is called amorphosynthesis. The patient cannot see food on half of the tray, and only half of the room is visible. It is important for the nurse to constantly remind the patient of the other side of the body

Intervensi lain :
•Menolong Memenuhi Nutrisi
•Mencapai Kontrol Bladder / BowelMencapai Kontrol Bladder / Bowel
•Memperbaiki proses berpikir asien
•Mendukung komunikasi
•Mempertahankan integritas kulit
•Memperbaiki koping keluarga

•Menolong koping pasien menghadapi disfungsi seksual
•Mendukung asuhan berbasis komunitas dan rumah
•Kelanjutan Asuhan

Stroke Perdarahan
•Karena adanya perdarahan dalam jaringan otak, subarachnoid, ventrikel.
•80% terjadi karena hipertensi yang tidak terkontrol

•Metabolisme otak terganggu akibat terekspose darah, peningkatan tekanan intrakranial, iskemia sekunder, dan vaso spasme.

Manifestasi klinik
•Mirip dengan stroke iskemik
•Pada waktu sadar --> biasanya sakit kepala berat
•Tanda lain yang sering pada intraserebral hemoragik : muntah, perubahan kesadaran tiba-tiba, kejang focal,

•Cerebral vasospasm
•Acute hydrosephalus

Pengkajian Keperawatan
Meliputi :
-Reaksi pupil yang lambat
-Disfungsi motorik / sensorik
-Defisit saraf kranial
-Gangguan bicara, pandangan
-Sakit kepala, kaku kuduk
-Perubahan tingkat kesadaran, ngantuk, kesulitan bicara

Diagnosa Keperawatan
•Ketidakefektifan perfusi serebral berhubungan dengan perdarahan atau vasospasm
•Gangguan persepsi sensori

Masalah Kolaboratif
Potensial Komplikasi :

Intervensi optimalisasi Perfusi Jaringan Serebral
•Monitor ketat fungsi saraf : tekanan darah, pulse, tingkat kesadaran, reaksi pupil, fungsi motorik.
•Status Respirasi Juga diperhatikan

Aneurysm Precaution
•Sediakan lingkungan nonstimulasi
•Bedrest,  dalam ruang yang tenang, batasi pengunjung.
•Tempat tidur dinaikkan 15-30 derajad
•Aktivitas mendadak yang menyebabkan kenaikan tekanan darah dihindari.
•Pasien dipakaikan elastic complression untuk mencegah DVT
•Dilakukan personal care : makan dan mandi cegah stimulus yang mengerahkan tenaga lebih.

Mengurangi kecemasan dan gangguan sensori
•Stimulasi sensori yang minimun
•Pada pasien yang sadar, jelaskan pembatasan-pembatasan yang dilakukan
•Orientasikan realitas
•Buat pasien tetap diberi informasi yang tetap.
•Beri jaminan yang tepat.

Memonitor dan Memenej Komplikasi
•Waspada tanda vasospasme : sakit kepala yang meningkat, penurunan tingkat kesadaran (bingung, disorientasi, letargi) adanyaafasia, paralisis.
•Bila kejang : pertahankan jaln nafas, cegah injuri, beri segera obat antikejang
•Pasien dengan hidrosefalus : monitor tanda gangguan kesadaran : mengantuk, perubahan perilaku,ataix gait.
•Waspada tanda rebleeding : sakit kepala hebat, mual, muntah, penurunan tingkat kesadaran, defisit neurologis lainnya.
•Waspada tanda hiponatremia ( serum sodium < 135 mEq / L)

Sumber :
Smeltzer , Suzanne C. et all.2006. Brunner & Suddart, Medical – Surgical Nuring.11`ed.Walter Kluwer, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

Monitoring Pernafasan & Ventilator

Monitoring Fungsi Pernafasan dan Perawatan Pasien dengan Ventilator

Komponen observasi pernapasan meliputi :
•Pola napas
•Fungsi Paru
•Kondisi Kulit Pasien : cyanosis, pucat, capillary refill time

Volume & Kapasitas Paru

•Adalah alat pernafasan tekanan negatip atau positip yang dalam mempertahankan ventilasi dan pemberian oksigen pada periode waktu yang panjang.

•PaO2 < 50 mm Hg dengan FiO2 > 0.60
•PaO2 > 50 mm Hg dengan pH < 7.25
•Vital capacity < 2 kali tidal volume
•Negative inspiratory force < 25 cm H2O
•Respiratory rate > 35/min

Klasifikasi ventilator
•Dua kategori umum :
    1) negative-pressure
    2) positive-pressure ventilators.

Negative-Pressure Ventilators
•Memberikan tekanan negatif diluar dada
•Simpel dapat digunakan di rumah
•Tidak tepat untuk pasien yang mengalami perubahan cepat status pernafasan.

Positive-Pressure Ventilators
•Memberi takanan positip kepada alveoli
•Ada 3 tipe :
    1) pressure-cycled,
    2) time-cycled, and
  &nbrp; 3) volume-cycled.
Pressure-cycled ventilators
•Memberikan tekanan sampai tekanan yang ditetapkan tercapai.
•Kelemahan : keterbatasan vlume gas dan tekanan / compliance paru yang berbeda dapat mengakibatkan tidal volume yang tidak konsisten.

Time-cycled ventilators
-Mengakhiri atau mengontrol inspirasi setelah waktu yang ditetapkan
-Volume udara yang diterima pasien diatur penjangnya inspirasi dan rata-rata aliran udaranya
-Ventilator ini digunakan untuk newborn dan bayi : dewasa jarang menggunakan time cycled.

Volume-cycled ventilators
•Paling banyak digunakan.

Noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation
•Dapat diberikan melalui masker wajah yang membungkus hidung dan mulut, masker nasal, atau peralatan nasal lainnya. --> mengurangi kebutuhan intubasi endotrakeal dan trakeostomi
•Dapat diatur pada pasien dengan backup rate minimum dengan periode apnea.

-Digunakan untuk kegagalan nafas akut maupun kronis, edema pulmonal, COPD, atau kegagalan jantung kronis dengan gangguan nafas saat tidur.
-Kontra indikasi untuk pasien dengan riwayat henti nafas, disrithmia serius, gangguan coqnitif, trauma wajah atau kepala.
-Dapat untuk pasien terminal dimana tidak ingin dipasang endotrakeal tube.tetapi memerlukan dukungan ventilator jangka pendek atau lama.

Mode-Mode Ventilator :

Mode Controlled Ventilation :

•Aliran udara dikontrol ventilator. Volume udara yang telah disiapkan dihembuskan dengan tekanan positip. Usaha napas pasien dikunci.

Mode Assist-Control Ventilation
•Volume gas yang diatur dengan rate, pasien mungkin ada usaha inspirasi negatif

Mode Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation (SIMV)

•Jumlah nafas yang diatur mesin disinkronkan dengan napas pasien, ada saat pasien melakukan inspirasi spontan pada berbagai volume.

Mode Positive end Expiratory Pressure (PEEP)

•Pada akhir ekspirasi, udara tidak dibiarkan kembali ke nol --> FRC ditingkatkan.

Mode Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP)
Ket gambar-gambar sbb :

•CPAP Digunakan hanya untuk ventilasi spontan : pasien napas spontan lewat ventilator dan tekanan dinaikkan pada seluruh siklus pernafasan.

Mode Pressure Support Ventilation (PSV)

•Pasien napas spontan, mesin memberi bantuan tekanan pada setiap inspirasi spontan

Proportional Assist Ventilation (PAV),

•Mode relatif baru ;--> Ventilator memberikan dukungan dengan tekanan yang proporsional sesuai dengan usaha inspirasi pasien.
•Setiap napas pasien, ventilator disesuaikan dengan napas pasien.
•Lebih mengadakan tekanan inspirasi, menguatkan usaha inspirasi pasien tanpa target tekanan atau volumenya.
•Secara umum adalah : menambah otot tambahan pernafasan; kedalaman dan frekuensi napas diatur oleh pasien.

Saat memonitor pasien dengan ventilator, perawat harus mencatat / memperhatikan sbb :
• Tipe ventilator (volume, pressure, atau negative pressure)
• Mode ventilator
• Seting Tidal Volume dan Rate (Tidal volume biasanya 10 – 15 ml/KgBB, Rate biasanya 12 – 16 X /mnt
• Setting FiO2 (fraksi oksigen yang diinspirasi)

•Setel mesin memberi tidal volume 10 – 15 ml / Kg BB
•Atur pemberian oksigen paling rendah untuk mempertahankan PaO2 (80 – 100 mmHg). Mungkin pemberian dapat tinggi sesuai yang dibutuhkan, lalu diturunkan sesuai perbaikan kondisi gas darah.
•Catat Peak Inspiratory Pressure
•Setel mode dan rate sesuai pesan-pesan medis. Set PEEP dan pressure Support sesuai order.
•Atur sensitifitas sehingga pasien dapat memicu ventilator dengan usaha minimal (biasanya 2 mmHg negative inspiratory force)
•Catat minute volume dan ukur PaCO2, pH, dan PaO2 setelah 20  menit dari mulai dipasang ventilator.
•Setel FiO2 dan Rate sesuai hasil analisa gas darah atau sesuai pesan-pesan dokter.
•Bila pasien tiba-tiba bingung, gelisah, mulai melawan ventilator,  kaji tanda hipoksia, dan mulai ventilasi memakai resuscitation bag dengan oksigen 100%


•Assist-control mode

ventilator memberikan rata-rata yang telah ditetapkan ; pasien dapat memulai napas-napas tambahan, yang dapat memicu ventilator memberikan tidak volume yang ditetapkan pada tekanan positip

•Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)

Seting ventilator dimana ventilator memberikan tekanan positip di seluruh siklus pernafasan (inspirasi maupun ekspirasi). Mode CPAP ini hanya bekerja pada pasien yang mampu bernafas spontan.
•Control mode

Ventilator memberikan tidal volume yang ditetapkan pada rata-rata yang ditetapkan pula,meskipun pasien juga bernapas spontan.

•Fraction of inspired oxygen (FIO2)

Adalah jumlah oksigen yang diberikan kepada pasien oleh ventilator. Satuannya adalah persen (%) maksudnya adalah konsentrasi oksigen yang diberikan.

•Inspiratory-expiratory (I:E)

Adalah perbandingan lama lama inspirasidan lama ekspirasi.Rasio pernafasan spontan normal I : E adalah 1 : 2, artinya 1 kali lama inspirasi sepanjang 2 kali ekspirasi.

•Inspiratory flow rate (IFR)

Menunjukkan tidak volume yang diberikan dalam waktu tertentu : nilainya sekitar 20 - 120 L /mnt.

•Minute ventilation or minute volume (VE)
Hasil perkalian dari rata-rata respirasi dan tidal volume.

•Peak inspiratory pressure (PIP)
Diukur dengan manometer tekanan pada ventilator, menyatakan jumlah tekanan yang dibutuhkan untuk memberikan tidal volume yang disetel.   

•Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP)
Pada mode ini ventilator dipicu untuk melakukan tekanan positip pada akhir setiap ekspirasi untuk meningkatkan area pertukaran oksigen dengan menolong meniup dan menjaga alveoli yang kolaps terbuka.   
•Pressure support ventilation (PSV)
Pada mode ini membuat ventilator melakukan jumlah tekanan positip yang disetel saat pasien melakukan ispirasi spontan. PSV meningkatkan tidal volume.

•Respiratory rate = frekuensi
    Jumlah napas per menit

•Sensitivity setting
    setting yang menentukan jumlah usaha pasien yang harus dikeluarkan untuk memicu siklus inspirasi ventilator.

•Sigh volume
     Napas yang diberikan ventilator sebesar 1 ½ kali besar jumlah tidal volume pasien.

•Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation (SIMV) 
Ventilator memberikan jumlah napas pada tidal volume yang spesifik yang telah disetel. Pasien dapat memberikan napasnya sendiri, yang mana tidal volume dan rate ditentukan oleh kemampuan inspirasi pasien sendiri.

•Tidal volume (VT)
Menyatakan volume udara yang diberikan kepada pasien pada setiap siklus (inspirasi dan ekspirasi), biasanya 12 - 15 cc / Kg BB   

• Inspiratory pressure reached and pressure limit (normal is 15 to 20 cm H2O; this increases if there is increased airway resistance or decreased compliance)

• Sensitivity (a 2-cm H2O inspiratory force should trigger the ventilator)

• Inspiratory-to-expiratory ratio (usually 13 [1 second of inspiration to 3 seconds of expiration] or 12)

• Minute volume (tidal volume × respiratory rate, usually 6 to 8 L/min)

• Sigh settings (usually 1.5 times the tidal volume and ranging from 1 to 3 per hour), if applicable

• Water in the tubing, disconnection or kinking of the tubing

• Humidification (humidifier filled with water) and temperature

• Alarms (turned on and functioning properly)

• PEEP and/or pressure support level, if applicable. PEEP is usually 5 to 15 cm H2O

Problem saat ventilasi :
•Dapat berasal dari pasien
•Dapat pula berasal dari mesin.

Pasien melawan ventilator
•Penyebab :
    anxiety, hypoxia, increased secretions,hypercapnia, inadequate minute volume, and pulmonary edema.

    Muscle relaxants, tranquilizers, analgesic agents, and paralyzing

•Low-pressure alarm
    Posible Cause :
    Tube disconnected from ventilator
    Endotracheal (ET) tube displaced above vocal cords or tracheostomy tube extubated
    Leaking tidal volume from low cuff pressure (from an underinflated or ruptured cuff or a leak in the cuff or one-way valve)
    Ventilator malfunction
    Leak in ventilator circuitry (from loose connection or hole in tubing, loss of temperature-sensitive device, or cracked humidification jar)

•    High-pressure alarm
    Posible Cause :
    Increased airway pressure or decreased lung compliance caused by worsening disease
    Patient biting on oral ET tube
    Secretions in airway
    Condensate in large-bore tubing
    Intubation of right mainstem bronchus
    Patient coughing, gagging, or attempting to talk
    Chest wall resistance
    Failure of high-pressure relief valve

Patient’s physiologic status and how he or she is coping with mechanical ventilation.
Systematic assessment of all body systems, with an in-depth focus on the respiratory system.
Respiratory assessment includes vital signs, respiratory rate and pattern, breath sounds, evaluation of spontaneous ventilatory effort, and potential evidence of hypoxia. Increased adventitious breath sounds may indicate a need for suctioning.
The nurse also evaluates the settings and functioning of the mechanical ventilator as described previously.
Assessment also addresses the patient’s neurologic status and effectiveness of coping with the need for assisted ventilation and the changes that accompany it.
The nurse should assess the patient’s comfort level and ability to communicate as well.
Finally, weaning from mechanical ventilation requires adequate nutrition.
Therefore, it is important to assess the function of the gastrointestinal
System and nutritional status.

Diagnosa keperawatan
•Impaired gas exchange related to underlying illness, or ventilator setting adjustment during stabilization or weaning.
•Ineffective airway clearance related to increased mucus production associated with continuous positive-pressure mechanical ventilation
•Risk for trauma and infection related to endotracheal intubation or tracheostomy
•Impaired physical mobility related to ventilator dependency
•Impaired verbal communication related to endotracheal tube and attachment to ventilator
•Defensive coping and powerlessness related to ventilator dependency

Masalah Kolaboratif / Potensial Komplikasi :
•Alterations in cardiac function
•Barotrauma (trauma to the alveoli) and pneumothorax
•Pulmonary infection

Intervensi 1 : Enhancing gas exchange
•administration of analgesic agents to relieve pain without suppressing the respiratory drive and
•Frequent repositioning to diminish the pulmonary effects of immobility.
•Monitors for adequate liquid balance by assessing for the presence of peripheral edema, calculating daily intake and output, and monitoring daily weights.
•Administers medications prescribed to control the primary disease and monitors for their side effects.

Intervensi 2 :    Promoting effective airway clearance

•auscultation at least every 2 to 4 hours.
•suctioning, chest physiotherapy, frequent position changes,and increased mobility as soon as possible.
•Frequency of suctioning should be determined by patient assessment.
•The sigh mechanism on the ventilator may be adjusted to deliver at least one to three sighs per hour at 1.5 times the tidal volume if the patient is on assist–control.
•Periodic sighing prevents atelectasis and the further retention of secretions.
•Humidification of the airway via the ventilator is maintained to help liquefy secretions so they are more easily removed.
•Adrenergic bronchodilators --> simpatomimetik
•Medications include albuterol (Proventil, Ventolin), isoetharine (Bronkosol), isoproterenol dan lain-lain -->Tachycardia, heart palpitations, and tremors
•Anticholinergic bronchodilators such as ipratropium (Atrovent) and ipratropium with albuterol (Combivent) produce airway relaxation -->dizziness, nausea, decreased oxygen saturation, hypokalemia, increased heart rate, and urine retention.
•Mucolytic --> assessment for an adequate cough re.ex, sputum characteristics, and improvement in incentive spirometry --> Side effects include nausea, vomiting, bronchospasm, stomatitis (oral ulcers), urticaria, and runny nose

Intervensi 3 : Preventing trauma   and infection
•Airway management must involve maintaining the endotracheal or tracheostomy tube. The nurse positions the ventilator tubing so that there is minimal pulling or distortion of the tube in the trachea; this reduces the risk of trauma to the trachea.
•Cuff pressure is monitored every 8 hours to maintain the pressure at less than 25 cm H2O.
•The nurse evaluates for the presence of a cuff leak at the same time.
•Tracheostomy care is performed at least every 8 hours, and more frequently if needed,because of the increased risk of infection.
•The ventilator circuit and in-line suction tubing is replaced periodically, according to infection control guidelines, to decrease the risk of infection.
•The nurse administers oral hygiene frequently because the oral cavity is a primary source of contamination of the lungs in the intubated and compromised patient.
•The nurse positions the patient with the head elevated above the stomach as much as possible.
•Antiulcer medications such as sucralfate (Carafate) are given to maintain normal gastric pH; research has demonstrated a lower incidence of aspiration pneumonia when sucralfate is administered (Scanlan, Wilkins & Stoller, 1999).

Intervensi4 : Promoting optimal level of mobility
•The nurse should assist a patient whose condition has become stable to get out of bed and to a chair as soon as possible. Mobility and muscle activity are beneficial because they stimulate respirations and improve morale.
•If the patient cannot get out of bed, the nurse encourages the patient to perform active range-of-motion exercises every 6 to 8 hours.
•If the patient cannot perform these exercises, the nurse performs passive range-ofmotion exercises every 8 hours to prevent contractures and venous stasis.

Intervensi 5 :Promoting optimal communication
•It is important to develop alternative methods of communication for the patient on a ventilator.
•Questions to consider when assessing the ventilator-dependent patient’s ability to communicate include the following:
    1) Is the patient conscious and able to communicate?
    2) Can the patient nod or shake the head?
    3) Is the patient’s mouth unobstructed by the tube so that words can be mouthed?
    4) Is the patient’s hand strong and available for writing? (For example, if the patient is right-handed, the intravenous line is placed in the left arm if possible so that the right hand is free.)

•offers several appropriate communication approaches: lip reading (use single key words), pad and pencil or Magic Slate, communication board, gesturing, or electric larynx.

•Use of a “talking” or fenestrated tracheostomy tube may be suggested to the physician; this allows the patient to talk while on the ventilator. If indicated, the nurse should make sure that the patient’s eyeglasses and hearing aid and a translator are available to enhance the patient’s ability to communicate.

•The patient must be assisted to find the most suitable communication method. Some methods may be frustrating to the patient,family, and nurse; these need to be identified and minimized.

•A speech therapist can assist in determining the most appropriate method.

Intervensi 6 : Promoting coping ability
•Encouraging the family to verbalize their feelings about the ventilator, the patient’s condition, and the environment in general is beneficial.
•Explaining procedures every time they are performed helps to reduceanxiety and familiarizes the patient with ventilator procedures.
•To restore a sense of control, the nurse encourages the patient to participate in decisions about care, schedules, and treatment when possible.
•The patient may become withdrawn or depressed while on mechanical ventilation, especially if its use is prolonged.
•To promote effective coping, the nurse informs the patient about progress when appropriate. It is important to provide diversions such as watching television, playing music, or taking a walk (if appropriate and possible).
•Stress reduction techniques (eg, a backrub, relaxation measures) help relieve tension and help the patient to deal with anxieties and fears about both the condition and the dependence on the ventilator.

Intervensi7 : Monitoring and managing potential complications

Alterations in Cardiac Function :
•The positive intrathoracic pressure during inspiration compresses the heart and great vessels, thereby reducing venous return and cardiac output. This is usually corrected during exhalation when the positive pressure is off.
•Patients may have decreased cardiac output and resultant decreased tissue perfusion and oxygenation.
•To evaluate cardiac function, the nurse first looks for signs and symptoms of hypoxia (restlessness, apprehension, confusion, tachycardia, tachypnea, labored breathing, pallor progressing to cyanosis, diaphoresis, transient hypertension, and decreased urine output).
•If a pulmonary artery catheter is in place, cardiac output,cardiac index, and other hemodynamic values can be used toassess the patient’s status.

Barotrauma and Pneumothorax :
•Excessive positive pressure may cause barotrauma, which results in a spontaneous pneumothorax. This may quickly develop into a tension pneumothorax, further compromising venous return,cardiac output, and blood pressure.
•The nurse should consider any sudden onset of changes in oxygen saturation or respiratory distress to be a life-threatening emergency requiring immediate action.

Pulmonary Infection :
•The patient is at high risk for infection, as described above. The nurse should report fever or a change in the color or odor of sputum to the physician for follow-up.

Expected patient outcomes / Kriterian Hasil :
1. Exhibits adequate gas exchange, as evidenced by normalbreath sounds, acceptable arterial blood gas levels, and vitalsigns
2. Demonstrates adequate ventilation with minimal mucusaccumulation
3. Is free of injury or infection, as evidenced by normal temperatureand white blood count
4. Is mobile within limits of abilitya.
        a. Gets out of bed to chair, be`rs weight, or ambulates as soon as possible
        b. Performs range-of-motion exercises every 6 to 8 hours
5. Communicates effectively through written messages, gestures, or other communication strategies
6. Copes effectively
    a. Verbalizes fears and concerns about condition andequipment
    b. Participates in decision making when possible
    c. Uses stress reduction techniques when necessarx
7. Absence of complications
    a. Absence of cardiac compromise, as evidenced by stable vital signs and adequate urine output
    b. Absence of pneumothorax, as evidenced by bilateral chest excursion, normal chest x-ray, and adequate oxygenation
    c. Absence of pulmonary infection, as evidenced by normal temperature, clear pulmonary secretions, and negative sputum cultures

Weaning (penyapihan) the patient from the ventilator :

Respiratory weaning, the process of withdrawing the patient from dependence on the ventilator, takes place in three stages: thepatient is gradually removed from the ventilator, then from the tube, and finally from oxygen.
Is performed at the earliest possible time consistent with patient safety.
The decision must be made from a physiologic rather than from a mechanical viewpoint. A thorough understanding of the patient’s clinical status is required in making this decision.
Weaning is started when the patient is recovering from the acute stage of medical and surgical problems and when the cause of respiratory failure is sufficiently reversed.
Successful weaning involves collaboration among the physician, respiratory therapist, and nurse. Each health care provider must understand the scope and function of other team members in relation to patient weaning to conserve the patient’s strength,use resources ef.ciently, and maximize successful outcomes.

Kriteria Weaning / penyapihan :
Vital capacity: the amount of air expired after maximum inspiration.Used to assess the patient’s ability to take deep breaths. Vital capacity should be 10 to 15 mL/kg to meet
Maximum inspiratory pressure (MIP): used to assess the patient’s respiratory muscle strength. It is also known as negative inspiratory pressure and should be at least -20 cm H2O.
Tidal volume: volume of air that is inhaled or exhaled from the lungs during an effortless breath. It is normally 7 to 9 mL/kg.
Minute ventilation: equal to the respiratory rate multiplied by tidal volume. Normal is about 6 L/min.
Rapid/shallow breathing index: used to assess the breathing pattern and is calculated by dividing the respiratory rate by tidal volume. Patients with indices below 100 breaths/min/Lare more likely to be successful at weaning.
Other measurements used to assess readiness for weaning include a PaO2 of greater than 60 mm Hg with an FiO2 of less than 40%.
Stable vital signs and arterial blood gases are also important predictors of successful weaning.
Once readiness has been determined, the nurse records baseline measurements of weaning indices to monitor progress (Cull & Inwood, 1999).

Gambar-gambar lain :
Spirometer :

Alat Fibrasi dada :

Fisioterapi & Vibrasi
A        = clapping (fisioterapi dada)
B & C = vibrasi dada

Awas Posisi Trendelenburg dapat meningkatkan tekan intratoraks --> mengganggu Cardiac output (kontraindikasi untuk gangguan jantung dan peningkatan ICP)

Sumber :
•Brunner & Suddart. 2003,2006. Medical Surgical Nursing.
•Lippincot Manual of Nursing practice 8`ed. 2006

October 1, 2011

Kegagalan Nafas Akut (Acute Respiratory Failure)

Sumber :
Carlson K. Karen. 2009. Advaced Critical Care Nursing. AACN. Sauders Elsevier

Kegagalan Nafas Akut

adalah ketidakmampuan sistem respirasi untuk mempertahankan pertukaran gas.

2 macam tipe / jenis :
* Kegagalan tipe I = hipoxemic failure / kegagalan oksigenasi
* Kegagalan tipe II = hypercapnic failure / ventilatory failure

Kegagalan tipe I (oksigenasi) bila tekanan parsial O2 (PaO2) < 60 mmHg Kegagalan tipe II (hypercapnic) bila tekanan parsial CO2 ( PaCO2) > 50 mmHg

Kondisi yang sering menyebabkan kegagalan oksigenasi :
- Asthma
- Bronchiolitis
- Cystic fibrosis,
- Pneumonia
- Emboli pulmonal
- inhalasi gas toxic
- tenggelam

Kondisi yang menyebabkan Hypoxemic Acute Failure (Kegagalan Nafas tipe I) adalah :
- Ketidakseimbangan Ventilasi / Perfusi
- Intrapulmonary Shunt
- Alveolar Hypoventilation
- Impaired Diffusion
- Low Partial Pressure of Inspired Oksigen

Pada kondisi normal, aliran darah menuju area ventilasi (alveoli) maka menimbulkan perbandingan yang cocok antara Ventilasi (V) dan Perfusi (Q) atau V = Q .

Kondisi V < Q menimbulkan gangguan oksigenasi, contoh pada pnemoni dan dongestive heart failure. Demikian juga pada V > Q pada trombosis kapiler dan emboli paru

Intrapulmonary shunt ---> kondisi dimana kapiler pulmonal normal, tetapi ventilasi alveolar berkurang. sehingga darah tidak menemukan oksigen di paru menyebabkan penurunan signifikan saturasi oksigen arterial (SaO2).

Kondisi PaO2 / FiO2 (Tekanan parsial O2 dibanding Fraksi Oksigen Inspirasi) atau P/F juga dapat menjadi patokan kondisi Acute Respiratory Failure.
Nilai P/F normalnya adalah > 350. Nilai klinis yang dapat diterima adalah 286. Bila turun menandakan perburukan intrapulmonal shunt.

A-a gradien = perbedaan tekanan alveolar (A) dengan arterial (a)
A-a gradien (rentang A-a)
A = partial pressure of Alveolar
a = oksigen arterial

A-a = (%FiO2 / 100) X 760 - 47 mmHg)- (PaCO2 / 0,8) - PaO2
760 adalah tekanan atmosfere setinggi permukaan laut.
47 adalah tekanan kelembaban udara

Gradien (A-a) meningkat pada meningkatnya umur dan pemberian oksigen.
Normal Gradien adalah (umur + 10) / 4.
Rentang normal gradien (A-a) adalah 20 - 65 mmHg.

Bila paCO2 meningkat, seharusnya PaO2 turun, tetapi A-a tetap normal.

Peningkatan A-a penyebabnya ada 3 :
- Ventilasi / perfusi (V/Q) yang tidak normal
- difusi tidak normal
- arteriovenous shunts

a/A adalah rasio antara oksigen terlarut / oksigen di alveolar
Nilai lebih dari 60% adalah normal, tidak memerlukan suplementasi oksigen.
Nilai kurang dari 60% adalah kondisi intrapulmonal shunt yang sedang memburuk.

Alveolar Hypoventilasi --> dapat terjadi akibat gangguan CNS --> penurunan respirasi
penyebab lain : obesitas, alkohol, overdosis.

Gangguan difusi --> tergantung luasnya membran dan ketebalan membran.
Ketebalan membran naik dengan adanya sekret atau cairan
Luas membran menurun pada atelektasi
CO2 22kali lebih mudah larut dibandingkan oksigen.

Low Partial Pressure of Inspired Oxygen. --> terjadai akibat ketinggian dari permukaan bumi, pemberian konsentrasi yang salah pada anestesia.


Mekanisme yang sering mendasari :
- Dinding dada / sistem Neuromuskuler Respirasi (poliomielitis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, tetanus, muscular dystrophy, myastenia gravis, stroke, spinal cord injuru, scoliosis, chest wall injury)
- CNS : ---> gangguan pada kontrol ventilasi (batng otak dalam pons dan medulla di pneumotaxic center, chemotaxic center, and dorsal and ventral respiratory pgoups control ventilation. Kondisi overdosis narkotik, sedatif, tumor otak, infeksi otak, infeksi dan kerusakan spinalcord, botulism, GBS, Myxedema, obesitas.
- Paru : Airways / Alveoli ---> gangguan airways atau alveolar-blood interface. (penumonia, COPD, cystic fibrosis, pulmonary oedema, ALI, adult respiratory distress syndrome)

Bila ventilasi menurun 4 - 6 L permenit hiperkapnia mulai terjadi.
Penyakit yang dapat menimbulkan hiperkapnia :
- overdosis obat
- lesi / trauma otak
- Guillain-Barre Syndrome
- Myastenia Gravis
- Multiple Sklerosis
- Massive Obesity
- Pneumothorax
- Pneumonia
- Akut Lung Injury = Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

Patofisiologi Primernya adalah peningkatan Dead-Space Ventilation
mekanime primernya :
- penurungan lung compliance
- peningkatan tahanan jalan udara
- penurunan inchest wall compliance
- penurunan lung recoil substantially increases the work of breathing

Nilai normal Gas Darah Arteri :
pH                              = 7,35 - 7,45 mmHg
PaCO2                       =    35 -   45 mmHg
Oxygen Saturation       = 93 - 98 %
Base Excess or Defisit = + / - 2 mmol / L
HCO3(0-)                  = 22 - 26 mEq/L

Tahap menilai Analisa Gas Darah (AGD)

1. Pertama perhatikan pH, dapat sbb
- pH > 7,4 (alkalosis)
- pH < 7,4 (acidosis)
- pH = 7,4 (normal)
2. kedua : tentukan penyebab utama gangguan :
- didapatkan dari nilai PaCO2 dan HCO3 (-) dalam hubungannya dengan pH
3. ketiga lihat kompensasi tubuh terhadap kondisi tersebut :
- dengan melihat nilai selain penyebab gangguan utama
- lihat pH, PaCO2, dan HCO3

Contoh :
1. pH 7,20     pCO2 60 mmHg    HCO3  24 mEq / L
    kondisi ini sebagai asidosis respirasi tanpa kompensasi tubuh (PaCO2 tinggi = gagal respirasi, HCO3  normal)
2. pH 7,40    pCO2 60 mmHg    HCO3  37 mEq / L
    kondisi ini sebagai asidosis respiratorik kronik dengan kompensasi tubuh ( lihatlah PaCO2 tinggi = gagal respirasi, HCO3 tinggi = tubuh berkompensasi dengan menahan HCO3 agar tidak terbuang melalui ginjal, dan sebagai akibatnya pH menjadi normal = 7,4)

Waduh, dilanjutkan nanti ya. Capek nih.....